THE AMERICAN CARPER - EPISODE 27 - The Paul Cioca Interview (PT1) with Sean Manning

March 21, 2022 Sean Manning Season 3 Episode 27

'PrairieBanx' is undoubtedly the most professionally filmed piece of documentation on the sport of carp fishing in North America and Canada to date. Raising the bar for us all both in terms of quality and content, it's presence on YouTube last year shone a spotlight on the incredible angling opportunities in Canada. Paul Cioca has a design background and it is clearly evident in his work....During this 2 part interview Sean and Paul discuss the PrairieBanx trip, the angling approach, preparation and documentation of the finished product... everything from the baiting campaign to the technical equipment that was used to shoot the film...Don't miss this in depth 2 part interview with Canada's premier filmmaker on the subject!