THE AMERICAN CARPER - EPISODE 15 - The Mark Bonette Interview with Sean Manning

February 02, 2021 Sean Manning Season 2 Episode 3

A wonderful story of a top US catch and release Carp Angler...who many years ago actually started as a Bowhunter. Mark discusses his early beginnings and the Journey that the Carp has taken him through...becoming more passionate for the welfare of the fish as the years go by, he is a great example of someone whose understanding and growth of the sport and the species has encouraged others .  A passionate float angler, he and Sean discuss together the art of tackling large fish on very light tackle and the 'art' of float fishing that can be enjoyed by every US Angler. They look into the 'boilie' conundrum that faces young anglers who have yet to discover the difference that a solid baiting campaign can yield with the size of the fish being caught... and go into the details of what is needed to correct things. A lot of laughs ensue and some wonderful lessons to be learned for anyone in the USA that fishes for carp.