THE AMERICAN CARPER - EPISODE 17 - The Zack McGlothern interview with Sean Manning

February 13, 2021 Zack McGlothern Season 2 Episode 5

Zack McGlothern is a biologist from the State of WA...he is also an American Carp Society member and passionate advocate for the species. In this episode of The American Carper we look at some of the issues that young biologists face from their peers whilst working in the field.... misinformation, ignorance, personal bias and an easy scapegoat to blame - regardless of scientific facts. This is of course expected from the general public, but not from those trained within the field....we take a look at some of the reasons why a young biologist wanting to move into the profession....walked away to pursue independent scientific research on the subject . 

As a relatively 'new carp angler', but someone who has fished his entire life and is also a guide, this is a fascinating interview with an anglers obsession on the species and a little perspective that exposes some of the things that go on within the scientific field....that cannot be ignored.